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Showing posts from November, 2019

Genetically modified mosquitoes

I have used some of the details listed in this report and attached this related picture found on the web. Citation: (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Dec. 2019].

Poster layout

I've made this poster layout for our presentation on publisher, check it out and let me know what do you think! Please ignore the titles we can discuss it on our arranged meeting Tuesday the 3rd of December.

CRISPR/Cas9 technology used on animal model to treat HIV-I infection

The human type-1 HIV virus affects more than 36.7 million people worldwide. CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technology combined with laser art got rid of latent HIV-I in model mice. An example of animal uses to benefit humans and cure diseases. Dash, P. K., Kaminski, R., Bella, R., Su, H., Mathews, S., Ahooyi, T. M., ... & Donadoni, M. (2019). Sequential LASER ART and CRISPR treatments eliminate HIV-1 in a subset of infected humanized mice.  Nature communications ,  10 (1), 1-20.

Ethical considerations with genetic modification of plants and animals: I found these results from a survey about GM food/...

Ethical considerations with genetic modification of plants and animals: I found these results from a survey about GM food/... : I found these results from a survey about GM food/ crops. I'm struggling to find the original survey though, just more of the media repo... Reply by Nadia  21/11/2019 The Chinese survey was based on 2063 questionnaires out of nearly 1.4 billion of the overall population. The most negative attitude came from the older generation born before 1969 with 59.3% due to lack of education and background knowledge. I think Chinese consumers have a trust issue more than anything else! They don't believe what the government supports or says. China, in my opinion, should be in favour of GM food due to the fast-growing population and the need to feed the upcoming generation. Overall 46.7% have a negative view on GM food whilst only 11.9% approve it coming from people with science knowledge so people need to be educated to understand first what is Geneti...

Ethical considerations with genetic modification of plants and animals: Soniya, Mo and Nadia had a meeting and discussed o...

Ethical considerations with genetic modification of plants and animals: Soniya, Mo and Nadia had a meeting and discussed o... : Soniya, Mo and Nadia had a meeting and discussed our individual section we need to complete Our new meeting is to take place on Thursday the 28th of November. I have booked a room in the Clifford Whitworth Library. Will see you all there

Statistics showing figures for 2018 from the home office about the use of animals in research

Oxford university justifies the use of primates in their neuroscience department, highlighting the UK regulation on research using animals. The university has an injunction set in place to protect their staff, students and anyone else involved in the handling and usage of animals in researches. (2019).  Research using animals: an overview | University of Oxford . [online] Available at:
I found these results from a survey about GM food/ crops. I'm struggling to find the original survey though, just more of the media reporting on said survey. The article below is much more recent however only shows the perception of GMO's in China Should we limit the public opinion side of the ethical argument to UK, European, or globally?? 

Summary statistics for procedures carried out in the UK involving living animals in 2018 either in experimental/research field or for breeding GA animals
Animals are used in translational researches because of their similar physiology to humans. They share genetic, behavioral and biochemical activities to humans. In this article Anderson and winter. (2017) highlighted the use of animals in the research fields and talked about applications where animal models replaced humans to find a cure to certain diseases. William Russell, a zoologist, and Rex Burch, a microbiologist introduced the aspect of the 3 R's as ethical conduct to be adapted in a lab setting. R educe the number of animals used. R efinement which uses methods that avoid animal suffering. R eplacement of animals by other organisms or microorganisms. Citation: Andersen, M. L., & Winter, L. M. (2017). Animal models in biological and biomedical research-experimental and ethical concerns.  Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências , (AHEAD), 0-0.
This chapter of a book written by Bharati et al., (2020), gives an explanation of gene editing, the existing methods and a comparison between CRISP/Cas9 Vs ZFNs. It also highlights the applications of gene editing and most importantly the ethical issues faced when using this technology in animals in terms of benefits Vs risks. Have a read and share your thoughts. Nadia Bharati, J., Punetha, M., Kumar, B. S., Vidyalakshmi, G. M., Sarkar, M., Michael, J. D., & Singh, R. K. (2020). Genome editing in animals: an overview. In  Genomics and Biotechnological Advances in Veterinary, Poultry, and Fisheries  (pp. 75-104). Academic Press.