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CRISPR/Cas9 technology used on animal model to treat HIV-I infection

The human type-1 HIV virus affects more than 36.7 million people worldwide. CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technology combined with laser art got rid of latent HIV-I in model mice.
An example of animal uses to benefit humans and cure diseases.

Dash, P. K., Kaminski, R., Bella, R., Su, H., Mathews, S., Ahooyi, T. M., ... & Donadoni, M. (2019). Sequential LASER ART and CRISPR treatments eliminate HIV-1 in a subset of infected humanized mice. Nature communications10(1), 1-20.


  1. Great article Nadia! I've used some bits from this article and added it to the poster, for the animal example section that I'm doing. I've added the reference too.

  2. "unknown" is Soniya, don't get why it's not showing my name!


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