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This chapter of a book written by Bharati et al., (2020), gives an explanation of gene editing, the existing methods and a comparison between CRISP/Cas9 Vs ZFNs. It also highlights the applications of gene editing and most importantly the ethical issues faced when using this technology in animals in terms of benefits Vs risks. Have a read and share your thoughts. Nadia
Bharati, J., Punetha, M., Kumar, B. S., Vidyalakshmi, G. M., Sarkar, M., Michael, J. D., & Singh, R. K. (2020). Genome editing in animals: an overview. In Genomics and Biotechnological Advances in Veterinary, Poultry, and Fisheries (pp. 75-104). Academic Press.


  1. Very useful read regarding most current technology for genome editing. In comparison with ZFNs and others,
    CRISPR provides precise GM therefore high efficacy, also outlines improvements of current method such as; on target specificity, safety and efficiency.


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